His nightshirt, a hand-me-down from an older sister, was white or pale blue in the first color strips.
Two years later on March 3, 1901, the paper published its first color comic strips.
A magnifying tool for the otherwise blurry color strips lets you examine only one panel at a time instead of panning around the screen.
The Planner looks like a foldout chart, with blocks of committed time marked with color strips.
All four pages contained one-page, full color comic strips.
Treasuries contain two collections in one binding with some color strips.
A color strip on the outside glows brightly while the mitt is hot and fades as it cools.
Usually presented in black-and-white with occasional color strips, the strip follows the horizontal newspaper 4-panel format.
This issue also carried the first episode of "Jasmine", her color comic strip about a princess whose realm was coveted by an evil prince.
To include all those short color strips will both increase the storage required and significantly slow down the translation.