The color pink is often used to represent women or young girls.
The use of the word for the color "pink" was first recorded in the late 17th century.
The color pink is considered feminine in modern Western countries.
Rolling Stone described the video as "fire and the color pink".
The next day, hundreds of students at the school protested by wearing the color pink.
And Lagerfeld went the whole way with the color pink.
The peculiar place is covered ceiling to floor with the color pink.
Because of this, the color pink can be found sprinkled throughout pop music.
Some people find it hard to use the color pink in the garden, especially in the fall.
These are often treated with ethylene gas to turn the color pink.
Washington's boots have been colored pink, and his horse is now covered with antiwar graffiti.
Lines colored pink denote a candidate elected to Parliament from their party list.
So white it seemed almost blue in a world coloured yellow and pink and red.
It has red legs, and its bill and throat pouch are coloured pink and blue.
Fran caught her breath as a gobbet on the lip of the saucepan splashed and instantly dissolved, coloring pink the hot water in which the jars were steeped.
The women's room, colored white and pink, is covered with marble and mirrors, but no televisions.
The alkali salt crust on the surface of the lake is also often colored red or pink by the salt-loving microorganisms that live there.
Metria colored faintly pink and averted her gaze.
In an early design, Eek was colored pink instead of purple.
The foot mass straightened out, revealing itself as a foot very similar to Bill's other foot but colored pink rather than tan and being clean rather than dirty.