This prismatic distortion is visible to the wearer as color fringes around strongly contrasting colors.
Needs to be "converged" (primary colors positioned so they overlay without color fringes) annually (or after set relocation)
It is seen as color fringes or halos along edges and around every point in the image.
Eyeglasses sometimes have unwanted effects including magnification or reduction, distortion, color fringes, altered depth perception, etc.
The dawn was coming up, but there was a hint of a color fringe that didn't belong to the dawn.
A similar reaction is in the case of chromatic aberrations, in which the color fringes around black-and-white objects are inhibited similarly.
By "reducing the amplitude of the modulation, such that the locally adaptive filter detector is no longer triggered," she claims that these color fringes can be eliminated.
And I find it almost impossible to believe that color fringes can be 100% eliminated, given that the display relies heavily upon subpixel positioning.
Subpixel rendering requires special color-balanced anti-aliasing filters to turn what would be severe color distortion into barely-noticeable color fringes.
In 1729, Chester Moor Hall conceived an idea for correcting color fringes in the one-piece lenses of the day.