All the colonies except Guinea voted to remain in the new structure.
Britain began to grant its Australian colonies autonomy beginning in the 1850s and during the 1890s, the colonies of Australia voted to unite.
The colonies voted by referendum to unite in a federation in 1901, and modern Australia came into being.
The colonies will vote her out of office the second her policies affect their pocketbooks.
The colony voted the motion down.
In 2266, the colony voted to reject Federation protectorate status.
The colony had voted to limit the size of its militia companies, and restricted their officers to hold only one post.
Again, as on July 2, twelve colonies voted in the affirmative, while New York abstained.
A movement for the six colonies to come together in a federation gathered strength and by the close of the century the colonies had voted to unite.
If the colony voted to go back to Earth, it wasn't going to matter.