The colony, which had about 8,000 refugees only a year ago, now is struggling to cope with almost 20,000.
The colony struggled for five years after its establishment at Jamestown in 1607.
The penal colony had a population of around one thousand and for the first few years struggled to adapt to the Australian climate.
The colony struggled in its early days for economic self-sufficiency, since supplies from Britain were few and inadequate.
The colony struggled to establish a working economy and develop a government that could survive against outside pressures.
The young colony struggled for years to develop self-sufficiency and successful exports.
The colony struggled soon after its creation and most colonists left.
Religious leaders were actively involved while the colony struggled to develop a form of government compatible with Puritan beliefs.
Meanwhile, the small colony of canons had been struggling to establish themselves.
For several months the colony struggled to survive.