The entrance to the Asclepion is located along a colonnaded street, the Sacred Way, which leads to the medical precinct.
Two great colonnaded streets intersected in the centre.
Nonetheless, it was integrated into the city's street network by a colonnaded street.
However, the colonnaded street, along with other structures around the theatre, were destroyed when the fortress was built.
The street is opened up so that each side of its colonnaded streets is equally visible.
Gideon left his warm blankets and joined David on the colonnaded street.
In the time it took the two men to descend the steps down to the colonnaded street, the people had already assembled.
There is always music echoing down the colonnaded streets.
The most impressive feature of the site was the broad paved and colonnaded street that ran from east to west across the city.
We spent the better part of the day soaking up the wondrous city: roads, houses, caves, temples, tombs, a colonnaded street and a Roman theater.