The reference is to vibrations in the colloquial emotional sense.
In the colloquial sense, a petition is a document addressed to some official and signed by numerous individuals.
That certainly makes it a landmark, in the colloquial sense.
The term "conversation" to label this disciplinary movement is misleading if read in a colloquial sense, as many have.
In a colloquial sense the two terms are considered synonymous.
I mean a gold mine in the figurative and colloquial sense, not as the investor knows it," he answered.
Not only is it a shame, it's a crime in the colloquial sense that you've wasted such talents.
He is a character, in the colloquial sense, and a professional one at that.
I longed for relief, in both the topographical and colloquial senses.
They did not swear in the colloquial sense, either, as Quality had already reminded him on this trip.