Valerie Canady, a spokeswoman for Aetna Life and Casualty, said the practice of inflating bills for collision repairs was "a concern."
Nash's innovation also required new techniques for collision repairs.
After high school, he began his apprenticeship training at Sharpless Auto Body in Devon, Pennsylvania, where he learned all aspects of automotive collision repair.
Earl Scheib was a company which specialized in repainting and collision repair of automobiles, with locations in 23 states in the US.
A diminished value appraisal evaluates the difference in value of a motor vehicle after a collision repair.
It had been agreed that ten days would be allocated to the collision repair and thirty days for the weather damage.
The basement of the school is home to the auto mechanics shop, collision repair, welding, machine tool technology, building construction, and power equipment systems classes.
From collision repair to laser-guided missiles and assault rifles, the company has expanded steadily through the years, seizing on one opportunity after another.
Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting sales have risen for five consecutive years as the chain of 475 centers expanded into late-model, driveable collision repairs.
But he added that only about 3 percent of the parts used in collision repairs were certified by his group.