Cosby left Temple to pursue a career in comedy, though he would return to collegiate studies in the 1970s.
He did collegiate and law studies on an accelerated schedule, earning his LL.
Additionally, students may elect to take courses on their own after school hours for exploration, transfer, or application to further collegiate studies.
The degree is typically awarded following four to five years of collegiate study.
She wrote and recorded the album while taking a gap year from her collegiate studies in Santiago.
He also worked as an apprentice electrician before returning to collegiate study.
A few years later, he moved to Melbourne, Australia to pursue his collegiate studies.
Besides his collegiate studies, he read widely in literature, being especially fond of the English poets.
Northwest students complete a general education requirement of 21.50 credit hours, in preparation for collegiate studies.
He completed his collegiate study at Loyola College between 1955 and 1957.