Flat World Knowledge is an online publisher of college-level open textbooks.
Sinauer Associates, Inc. is a publisher of college-level textbooks.
The research lay the groundwork for a college-level writing textbook that is to be published this fall by Harcourt Brace Javanovich.
The Archive is also referenced in college-level textbooks and has had material from the archive incorporated into over 20 college or university courses.
He has written two popular college-level textbooks: one in intermediate macroeconomics and the more famous Principles of Economics.
It is often quoted in college-level textbooks and adopted for practical use.
Up on three, a child psychologist worked side by side with oil executives and publishers of college-level textbooks.
He began publishing nonfiction in 1952, co-authoring a college-level textbook called Biochemistry and Human Metabolism.
AP U.S. History classes generally use a college-level textbook as the foundation for the course.
An op ad was reprinted in a college-level textbook as an example of effective mission-driven communications.