My office is pleased to offer internships to eligible graduate and college-level students in order to further a student's educational and professional goals.
They are usually unpaid and awarded to college-level students.
The basic aim of E-Cell is to encourage college-level students today to start their own enterprise.
On September 20, 1898 the seminary received 31 high school students and 3 college-level students.
Originally, the series was designed for college-level students as a supplement to a course textbook.
He began teaching college-level students at Juilliard in 1946.
This was his first encounter with college-level students and university life.
In addition to his pastoral duties, he taught a mixture of mature college-level students and some elementary students.
The endowment is right to complain that college-level students do not know basic landmarks of history.
The facility is open to academic professionals and college-level students for behavioral and other non-surgical research.