The series focuses on college-aged men and their clothes, capturing the unique fashion of the student population of that time.
The purpose of the fraternity is to evangelize to college-aged men while meeting them on their level and spreading the love of Christ.
Throughout the episode, a college-aged man named Roy comes to live with the Simpsons.
In this episode, Bart tracks down an immature, college-aged man named Andy Hamilton who was once hailed Springfield Elementary's best prankster.
College enrollment dropped significantly as many college-aged men enlisted in the armed services.
There on a street corner a few blocks from the Coors Event Center were a handful of college-aged men holding cardboard "I need tickets" signs.
Ariely and Loewenstein chose to test the effects of sexual arousal on decision-making in college-aged men at University of California, Berkeley.
Due to the shortage of college-aged men associated with World War II, freshmen were eligible to play varsity basketball (freshmen wouldn't become permanently eligible until 1973).