Head shops originated in the 1960s in cities with a high concentration of college-age youth, often growing out of independently owned poster or candle stores.
On the surface, this doesn't sound like the kind of car a college-age youth with turbulent hormones would choose.
Dozens of retail brands have sponsored various events at the club, almost all attempting to attract the attention and business of college-age youth.
There are husband-and-wife teams, clusters of college-age youths, the odd diplomat and the "professionals," who ply the trade for their livelihoods.
Only 15 percent of college-age youth get any tertiary education, and most are urban.
By 1970, 7.5 million students were attending colleges in the U.S., or 40 percent of college-age youths.
Uneasy Over Privilege The early college-age youths who converse in the Park Avenue apartments shown in "Metropolitan" have no financial worries and are self-conscious about their privileged status.
But a federation of mostly college-age youth called a general strike for Tuesday to protest what they call United Nations interference in Burundi.
The report says the shrinking number of college-age youths has played a major role in tuition increases.
Experts believe that 65 to 75 percent of college-age youths predrink, while in the UK, a study reported that 55 percent of men and 60 percent of women acknowledged pre-drinking.