One college-age man with a costly brain problem had his hospitalization coverage reduced by 94 percent.
A college-age man at the next table, noticing all the commotion, leaned over and asked, "Are you guys famous?"
Another reason stems from the overall infantilization of teen-agers and college-age men and women.
More than one observer has noticed unusually large numbers of college-age men at the bars.
For one, he says, college-age men are more susceptible to gambling addictions than any other age group.
The 1960s and 1970s were a time of searching for meaning by Western-educated, college-age men and women.
A small troupe of actors, college-age men and women, have for weeks performed a show called "UNacceptable."
One hundred college-age men and women who volunteered for the study kept a detailed diary of their fantasies and other sexual activities.
For example, some young people, particularly college-age men, drink heavily for years, especially on weekends.