The message, which was about a college reunion, contained the line "Great seeing you and your wife."
I never went to a high school or college reunion again: there was always too much pain in the room.
He was on the committee for their 30th college reunion and wanted to meet.
The couple were introduced by friends at their 10th college reunion.
At my college reunion in the spring, friends were sympathetic.
He makes plans to travel to a nearby town in Georgia for his 60th college reunion.
The real proposal happened last May, right before the couple's 10-year college reunion.
He wrote about how, when Esther was a baby, they had gone to his wife's 10th college reunion.
It's one thing to return to your 40th college reunion and find that the wrong person has somehow become worth $50 million.
They did not meet again until their 10th college reunion.