In 1934, the Lawrence room on the college main site was dedicated to be the college museum.
When operating in the 1930's, it was considered the second oldest college museum in the United States.
Working in conjunction with the Five college museums, its collection includes contemporary works from Asia, Europe, the United States as well as classical Egyptian, Greek, and Roman works.
Dharmaraja College archives was established extending the college museum in 2002 and its internet database is in operation since January 2009.
In addition, the College is a member of the BTI Library consortium and the Fenway Library Consortium, allowing access to local college, museum and public libraries.
My objective was to make it the best college museum in the country.
An article in 1955 in The New York Times discussed his ceremoniously returning a statue that his class of 1951 had "liberated" from a college museum.
The college museum showcases priceless antiques and an armoury section.
"I don't like art that isn't true," Evelyn tells Adam as she prepares to deface a sculpture in the college museum.
"It is in the college museum."