Think back to someone you went to school with for a period of time - maybe a childhood friend or even a college chum.
But we find out something more about Morse when a group of his old college chums returns to Oxford for a cricket match.
He had received the call and thought it was from one of my college chums.
Cope's primary emotional attachment is to his college chum Arthur Lemoyne, who comes to live with him.
And when found, tell him that his old college chum, Spider Reilly, is here.
The excitement was at least as addictive as the cocaine that some of his college chums had played with.
His college chums came flocking in, as if to see all that he'd told them about.
Well, just last week a college chum of Henry's stayed here.
Indeed, the two college chums presented pictures of what men may be made by their different lots in life.
The old army friend and college chum laughed.