What is beautiful is culturally good: The physical attractiveness stereotype has different content in collectivist cultures.
Individuals in collectivist cultures are less inclined to act in accordance with their cultural beliefs when they don't experience peer pressure.
The collectivist cultures comprise about 70 percent of the world's population, according to the studies.
Child rearing in collectivist cultures is intrusive; children have virtually no privacy or autonomy.
In collectivist cultures, Dr. Triandis found, family integrity is of the utmost importance.
The perception of effective communication differs in individualistic cultures and collectivist cultures.
Some examples of collectivist cultures include India and Japan.
In more collectivist cultures the bond between kin is stronger than in the individualistic ones.
It is interesting to note that one third of the world lives in an individualist society, while the other two thirds are identified with collectivist cultures.
Members of collectivist cultures are more concerned with mutual-face maintenance than individualistic cultures.