But the daily reality for most Palestinians, while less dramatic, is no less serious because of how it grinds them down, leaving them feeling collectively punished.
For example, Achan's family was (at least in some interpretations of the text) collectively punished for a sin that is viewed as primarily Achan's alone.
French intelligence officials claimed that al-Mleha was collectively punished because a young boy from the village had notified al-Kharrat's men of the French gendarme presence in al-Mleha the week before.
As the investigation continued, Palestinian officials renewed their charges that Palestinians were being unfairly and collectively punished for a terrorist action beyond their control.
Entire nations and ethnic groups were collectively punished by the Soviet Government for alleged collaboration with the enemy during World War II.
No longer were Catholics taught that the "perfidious" Jews had been collectively punished for Jesus' crucifixion with banishment from the Holy Land.
They feel they are being collectively punished for the crimes of some of their community.
There was storm of public criticism of Lear's action from people who felt that the soldiers had been harshly and collectively punished when they had done nothing wrong.
Gaza has become a prison in which an entire population is being collectively punished.
(IT) Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, Palestinians are continuing to die and so many have already died; again they are being collectively punished.