As of October 2008, the association represents over 700 members from 100 firms, who collectively manage more than $50 billion in assets.
"A whole series of things are managed collectively."
His Congress system sees the main powers meeting every two years or so to collectively managed European affairs.
It required tight-knit village communities to collectively manage their irrigation systems.
As of 2009, the tribes collectively managed 15,000 bison.
In case an organization wants to collectively manage several projects running at the same time, the tool supports cross-project views, reports and evaluations.
In the Congress system, the main signatory powers met periodically (every two years or so) and collectively managed European affairs.
Venture capitalists estimate that of the more than $20 billion they manage collectively, the vast bulk remains in high-technology ventures.
Antigonish-style study clubs, unlike traditional seminars or workshops, require all members to collectively manage a group process even before they launch a co-operative.
Nonetheless, though divided into smaller constituencies, the neighborhood is collectively managed by the PAP.