They were a single collective whole, a vast primitive organism, held ecstatic and hypnotized by the approaching column.
But to create a place that does both - making room for the individual within the collective whole - now that's difficult, and really essential.
They began to merge their identities into one collective whole.
They believed that it was more reasonable to base analysis on the collective whole of altruistic individuals.
"Every group is fighting not for the collective whole but for its share of the national pie."
The term is also used not as a measure of rate, but simply to refer to the stream of offers or opportunities as a collective whole.
But this invincibility depends upon the life line which connects him with the collective whole.
The album has many recurring musical elements, which unify and merge the parts into the collective whole.
Perhaps, if my lord allows me, I can manage to put a great number of separate questions into one collective whole.
This is a bit of a misnomer because the agents manage themselves and each other by agreeing to become part of the collective whole.