The standing ovation at the end of last Sunday evening's performance at Candlewood seemed as much a spontaneous release of collective well-being as a tribute to the performance.
The term "healthy city" used by today's public health advocates reflects this ongoing challenge to collective physical well-being that results from crowded conditions and urbanization.
It promotes self-organizing capacity, collective well-being, and resilience by facilitating, guiding and empowering.
This frenzy is bad for our society, our democracy and our collective well-being.
In Vedic (Hinduism) religion, individual salvation is not, as is often incorrectly alleged, pursued to the neglect of collective well-being.
"I see it as part of a larger social rubric, where self-interest is valued more than the broader, collective well-being," she said.
In some cases we can enhance our collective well-being by pursuing our personal interests - or parties can pursue mutually destructive behavior as they choose their own ends.
It stood, in fact, for an untarnished and collective well-being of which the king was both the accepted symbol and the animating force.
They matter to our collective well-being and our individual quality of life.
It weighs heavily on our collective well-being, and if left unaddressed, will dim the promise of America for future generations.