The change from collective representations to social representations has been brought about by the societal conditions of modernity.
The sociological approach emphasizes the importance of language, collective representations, self-conceptions, and self-reflectivity.
Painter and Graphics maker - author of solo exhibitions and also he has participated in many collective representations.
It argued that each society is a collective representation of its unique historical past.
(3) We can think about the nature of collective representations and about how they relate to our own minds.
As such, collective representations help to order and make sense of the world, but they also express, symbolize and interpret social relationships.
These terms were used as a collective representation of individuals he personally regarded as either good looking or less attractive, based solely on facial appearance.
How collective representations can change the structure of the brain.
The project encourages exchanges of best practice, in particular, involving precarious workers' collective representation.
It's a collective representation, in large scale, of a moment of intimacy between husband and wife.