Haris Silajdzic, the Bosnian Prime Minister, said there was "a collective paranoia created by the media."
What they embody most memorably in their affectless recitations is the emotional dryness of the writers' collective paranoia.
Our collective paranoia fed on new and improved assassination conspiracy theories, as we lapped up the tabloids' sensationalized stories of J.F.K.'s sexual escapades.
Amphetamines, which were widely available back then and carried little stigma, contributed immeasurably to the collective paranoia that was rapidly building up.
He added, "I like this kind of collective paranoia."
Even when the collective paranoia of the early months of 1940 subsided, this attitude prevailed.
Britain was suffering a general crisis of confidence and working its way into a state of collective paranoia over the Kaiser's saber-rattling.
Most of us call it collective paranoia.
The sinister attribution error: Origins and con sequences of collective paranoia.
Advertising, after all, preys off our collective paranoia to sell cures and protection.