Administrators at the school, whose 3,600 students make it one of the largest on the Island, said the war deaths were both personal and collective losses.
For this year, the owners are projecting a collective loss.
Such tactics can never heal individual wounds, but they do much for collective loss.
Armenians the world over do the same on this day, each and every Armenian honoring our collective loss.
The benefits will shield Consolidated's future profits from taxes until the total exceeds the collective losses of the 15 institutions.
Many did terrible things that were later enfolded by a collective loss of memory in a nation all too eager to forget.
Awful - a collective loss of respect and self-respect.
In 1973, the financial community posted a collective loss of $245 million, which spurred temporary help from the government.
To outsiders, many Vietnamese officials seem to have suffered a collective loss of touch with reality, a problem compounded by poverty.
Only the lowest of scoundrels attempt to reap personal gain from this collective loss.