By the same token, collective beliefs and behaviour cannot be explained in terms of individual psychology.
A collective belief in slogans like "progress is our most important product" was felt to be an almost physical shield from Communist evil.
Because nationalism is more of a collective belief than a particular policy, the positions adopted in its name can evolve, even rotate.
Every form of collective belief is an effort to coerce.
Morality is typically defined as the collective beliefs that comprise and attribute to a good life.
For Americans, the collective belief, the moral imperative, is an unflagging optimism.
The resulting need to share individual hypotheses with others leads eventually to collective religious belief.
This suggests that political authority co-opts collective religious belief to bolster itself.
Durkheim's discussion of collective belief, though suggestive, is relatively obscure.
Rather, the pendulum of collective belief tends to swing between the two.