As Ottawa becarne more concerned about their ability to survive, the Inult themselves were being urbanized, ,i process that significantly raised their individual and collective aspirations.
(Atlantic Jazz 81816-1, album and cassette), its first album, and on it are examples of the gleam and polish that make a big band arrangement seem like the embodiment of collective aspirations.
I want to be sure that we retain all these characteristics of a decent and civilised society, while managing our economic fortunes competently so that we can pay for our individual and collective aspirations.
- Expresses collective aspirations through popular cultural forms.
This team, after all, is a creation of our collective aspirations and desires to have champions.
But then I picked up Eugenides's new novel, "The Marriage Plot," an exuberantly bookish book that offers the clearest account to date of his cohort's collective aspirations and anxieties.
Senegal has maintained stability (it is the only West African country not to have had a military coup) through the careful balance of ethnic, religious and economic forces, and a deeply ingrained collective aspiration towards social harmony.
Our natural distrust of concentrated power and our devotion to openness and democracy are what have led us as a people to consistently choose good over evil in our collective aspirations, more than the people of any other nation.
WHAT THEY HAD IN common, beyond a charisma rare even by movie-star standards and a gift for making acting look easy, was that they spoke so clearly for our collective aspirations.
Rashtriya Janta Dal locates itself in the collective aspirations of people and communities striving to carve out a society based on the premises of social justice and secularism.