These include: collection management, exhibit preparation, conservation, educational programming, and museum management".
Just because these days sophisticated search is available to anyone with an internet connection, doesn't mean to say that collection management or professional search are going to go away.
It's still a very important part of my role (collection management).
Substantial work experience in collection management, research, exhibit design, or restoration, as well as database management skills, will be necessary for permanent status.
Advocates of scholar indices recommend their use in areas such as liaison services, references, instruction and collection management.
The journal covers museum administration, research, exhibition development, visitor studies, conservation, museum education, collection management and other subjects of current concern to museum professionals.
In support of these services, additional resources have been provided for collection management, especially the development of digital indexes to reference material.
The museum has developed some groundbreaking programs in the area of collection management and biodiversity informatics, which uses collections data for forecasting environmental phenomena.
Battalion intelligence operations include all source analysis, collection management, battlefield damage assessment, imagery (national and theater) exploitation and dissemination.
This serves as a forum for discussions about best practices, government funding and regulation, and collection management.