Christian Lacroix, whose stunning first collection two years ago inspired many other fashion houses to pursue new design areas, continues to be a pathfinder.
According the Lopez, the collection as inspired by the 1960s and 1970s.
A very British collection, celebrating some of the funniest moments inspired by the class system.
The collection of photos by Brassaï entitled Paris de nuit would inspire his work.
This collection of material inspired subsequent researchers and academics to gather traditional tales, fables and legends from all over the Archipelago.
The collection of memoirs inspired Jeffrey Eugenides to write Middlesex.
"We hope the newly interpreted collection will inspire new and established photographers."
Walker's collection of 16th-century typefaces inspired Morris to create the Kelmscott Press.
I thought my growing collection of statues and books had inspired her.
The collection also inspires a vogue for nostalgic, sentimental songs throughout the Anglophone world.