Its permanent collection exceeds 5,000 works of art.
Two years later, the collection exceeded 19,000 pieces.
He also said the collections and recoveries by private lawyers far exceeded their pay.
An additional collection of small bequests to servants and distant relatives did not exceed $20,000.
Its collection of more than 50,000 works far exceeds the capacity of the building, which dates from 1985.
The Museum's all-donation collection exceeds 30,000 objects, 20,000 photographs, and a 10,000-volume research library.
Her collection, much of it still in place, exceeds 5,000 volumes.
Its collection exceeds 1.3 million volumes with interlibrary accessibility providing access to millions more.
Circulation figures for the district are currently over 468,000+ per year and the library's collection exceeds 100,000 pieces.
The total collection exceeds 2.5 lakhs of books and 470 national and international journals.