Thanks to a staff that understands how these collections complement one another, you will also see a signed copy of Elmore Leonard's Mississippi-centered 2002 novel, "Tishomingo Blues," alongside a 78-r.p.m. record of the same name, recorded in 1926 by Peg Leg Howell.
Special collections of fruits and seeds as well as models of fruits and an extensive xylotheque (library of woods) complement the herbarium which shows not only a comprehensive archive of Styrian flora, but also provides the base for research projects on local vegetation.
It cannot have escaped him, since he joined the staff of the Met in 1979, how ideally the collection complements the museum's own holdings of 20th-century European art.
The collection is the most important holding of Polish philatelic material at the Library and complements the existing holdings in the Bojanowicz Collection of Polish postal history 1938-46, and parts of the Fitzgerald Collection of airmails to 1946, the Tapling Collection and the Universal Postal Union Collection.
But the two collections complement each other so well that they are most interesting when heard in tandem.
The collection, held by the Macclesfield family since the 18th century, complements a Newtonian archive that has been at Cambridge's University Library since 1872.
The collection extends and complements the acknowledged masters of Hungarian modernism and has introduced the American audience to original artists of more modest reputation.
Jessica's books are perhaps a tad lighter in spirit, but still quite serious and thoughtfully selected-your collections complement each other.
We're both about 40 years old, we both have radical buildings, and we discovered our collections perfectly complement one another.