Air samples at Mauna Loa are collected continuously from air intakes at the top of four 7-m towers and one 27-m tower.
Mass correlation spectrometry can be performed as an office-based test since breath samples are continuously collected, and results are provided immediately within minutes.
Omni-directional sonar data is also continuously collected along the cruise track to provide information on the spatial distributional patterns of fish.
"Closing down, even for a few months, will wipe out 21 years of continuously collected scientific data," Brian L. Houseal, the council's executive director, said in a statement.
Bile was then collected continuously in 15 minute samples.
GPS has the advantage that data are collected continuously, allowing for use as a routine monitoring tool.
This measurement is based on system states which are continuously collected.
These figures are collected continuously, and at any particular moment details of what is happening can be worked out.
AVHRR data have been collected continuously since 1981.
Flight weather data is continuously collected and sent directly to the NHC by satellite communications.