His hobby is collecting tapes of old broadcasts, then sharing them in programs like this.
Many collect not only amateur tapes of concerts, but also the set lists of each concert; they try to decipher the order of songs for hidden messages.
People collect tapes like they used to collect books.
Gray collected tapes of his movies and television programs, as well as stills, posters, and lobby cards from his acting career.
Erm I've got lots of people collecting tapes on my behalf.
A woman in Indiana who had collected tapes of every telecast dealing with the man from the future, and who was selling replicas of them mounted in special reliquaries.
Hostak would collect eight-track tapes of a wide variety of music, which he would then convert to cassette tape.
Mr. Hubbard traveled around the country, collecting and cataloging tapes.
"There are people that have collected tapes of Ed Bradley doing stand-up comedy routines," Mr. Kinnaird said.
Some fans enjoy a pastime of collecting tapes of wrestling shows from specific companies, of certain wrestlers, or of specific genres.