His hobbies include composing, fashion, collecting accessories and shoes.
The proud father of two children serves as national spokesperson for Souls4Soles, an organization that collects and distributes shoes to the needy around the world.
Others collect old shoes, scraps of plastic and other refuse that will smolder and produce heavy smoke.
In his free time he collected shoes worn with traditional native costumes.
Those who cannot find wood are collecting plastic bottles and old shoes.
He also loves to collect shoes and said, "You will be surprised to hear that I have about 150 pairs of shoes."
Every day of the year, Eneslow collects shoes for the needy.
Others collected shoes, socks, shirts and underwear that soldiers distributed, while still others clustered around a large television screen, watching a western movie.
In the past, students have also collected coats and shoes and delivered them to 135th Street School.
Once Lady Macbeth enters, one cannot help but wonder if she also collects shoes.