He is one of the opponents of the bill allowing cities in Nebraska to collect 2% sales tax, up from 1.5%.
"It was appropriate in this case since villages don't collect sales tax revenue," he said.
State business is based in collects sales tax on behalf of other states.
Answer: Firms are asked to report e-commerce sales on the same questionnaire used to collect total retail sales.
In some other provinces, provincial governments collect only sales or corporate taxes.
An investigation found that the gallery failed to collect sales tax on more than 11 art works between March 1998 and November 2002.
If you run a business with a physical storefront, collecting sales tax is straightforward.
With the grouping system you could collect monthly sales into groups like "1995" and "1996", and call the category "years".
This form is customized for taxpayers who collect retail sales tax and report under certain B&O tax classifications.
The bill would make it easier for states to collect sales or use taxes on mail-order purchases.