This allowed her to befriend the social elite and intelligentsia (including Albert Einstein), collect stunning jewelry and receiving lavish praise.
Doug Mackey, 63, said he was checking to make sure his sump pump worked and collecting jewelry in case his small one-story home was overrun.
Once in the apartment, he forced the woman to go around collecting money and jewelry.
If someone collects Georgian jewelry, for example, I can find that.
Boll collected nicknames like she collected jewelry: in 1921 she was hailed by newspapers as "Broadway's most beautiful blonde."
"I collect jewelry and bags and hats, even though I never wear hats."
She collects jewelry, art, and other fine things, the tackier and flashier the better.
Mr. France also collected costume jewelry and other antiques, a pursuit to which he devoted his post-Ballet Theater years.
Early on in his career, Berry began to collect Middle Eastern textiles coins, gems, jewelry and other antiques.
Its eponymous mid-20th-century oil heiress collected massive Indian jewelry, some pieces weighing 20 pounds, and wonderful pots and rugs.