"It's basically running through the woods collecting flags," Mr. Opsahl said.
Points are awarded for driving through gates and collecting flags.
"He collected flags of the tournaments that I win," he said.
The roadies then have to collect flags when chased by cowboys in horses with lasos.
On this video Juanes is shown driving a toy car, travelling through the world collecting flags from different countries.
Players try to ride a bike with simulated physics, to collect flags as quickly as possible.
The women had to collect flags while on top of an aircraft and retrieve three poles from a tank with alligators.
Rep. Royce will also collect old, worn-out flags to ensure that they are retired properly.
Extra points can be gained in this stage by collecting flags as the player moves towards the landing corridor.
Stockpile has teams race to collect neutral flags, holding them at capture points every minute for points.