As part of their subsistence tactics, they collected driftwood on the beach and picked cloudberries in the fields.
Other activities include collecting driftwood, caribou herding, and berrypicking.
I walked up the beach to a small dune behind Purcell's place and pretended to collect driftwood.
"When we ran out of food we began to collect driftwood and coconuts that we found floating in the ocean," he said.
They collect driftwood along the shore, for instance, and Bruce helps them transform their treasures into "fish."
He built this new fire where two walls of stone formed a sand-floored pocket, collecting enough heavy driftwood to keep it going until morning.
Also collect driftwood of which there is plenty about, clean those fish and grill them over the saloon stove.
Then they collected driftwood and made a drifter's hut to sleep in.
Gibbon always wrote in bed and often wandered down to the sea front in his pyjamas to collect driftwood.
The artist was a regular visitor to the beach, where he collected driftwood to use in his sculpture.