She collected scabs as other girls collect dolls, and would say anything that came into her head.
Q. When did you officially start collecting dolls?
Her passion was collecting dolls, doll houses, and toys.
Ms. Levitt, who works as a consultant in the garment industry, has been collecting dolls for many years.
Debbie Behan Garrett has collected black dolls for 20 years.
She says collecting dolls and their accouterments is an obsession that keeps her sane.
Alberoni's biggest hobby was collecting dolls, and by her teenage years she would have several hundred.
Somehow it seemed appropriate that Dolly Hooper would collect dolls.
When I started collecting dolls, my mother said: 'Why would you want to do that?
One of the students, Mavis Mallabone, continued to collect dolls from all over the world.