Busch was ravaged by disease, and for five months spent time painting and collecting folk tales, legends, songs, ballads, rhymes and fragments of regional superstitions.
I was sent to Darkover by University to do research and collect music-folk songs and ballads.
A further committee was appointed in 1972 to collect Faroese hymns and spiritual ballads.
He collected ballads, made topographical work and worked as a writer and as a scientist.
He asked Peder Hentze the priest of Sandoy to collect ballads.
In literature the most successful figure of the mid-nineteenth century was Walter Scott, who began as a poet and also collected and published Scottish ballads.
In addition, he collected folktales, proverbs, ballads, and other lore, which were published in the California Folklore Quarterly in the 1940s.
Olive Dame Campbell continued to work in collecting ballads and handicrafts up until her death in 1954.
Elizabeth didn't just collect and study ballads, she performed them as well.
Scott began as a poet and also collected and published Scottish ballads.