His colleagues, and those about him, observed the change without clearly perceiving the cause.
He and his colleagues observed more than 1,800 falcon attacks on wild pigeons in an open field near Davis over seven years.
A colleague of his once observed, "Bob has no rearview mirror."
"You remember reading, Maria," the colleague observes.
Mikhail Lebedev and their colleagues observed a similar phenomenon in monkey prefrontal cortex.
Rustom and colleagues also observed transport of vesicles, which seemed to be unidirectional.
His colleague, the middle man, observes this ritual for a while with a curiosity that threatens to become exasperation.
A colleague observed Arnold Odermatt as he took pictures for the force and was suspicious.
He and colleagues observed patterns within words and tried to explain them.
He ejected from the aircraft, and landed safely by parachute in the lake, where his colleague observed him getting into the inflatable life raft.