Elsaghier and colleagues explored a possible role for M paratuberculosis in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease.
Paul Frankland and colleagues in the Silva laboratory explored the molecular and cellular underpinnings of remote memory consolidation.
Dr. Santos and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins are currently exploring the use of bone marrow transplantation with other forms of cancer.
David Ostry [52] and colleagues explored the neurological underpinning of motor control using a robot arm to influence jaw movement.
What tends to work best, he explained, are intriguing twists on design themes that he and his colleagues are already exploring.
For this Atlas appearance James and his colleagues explore the universe of underground beats, soul, jazz standards and the legacy of John Coltrane.
Pena and his colleagues explored a phenomenon known as the "Proteus Effect" wherein "avatars can prime negative attitudes and cognition in desktop virtual settings".
Dr. Namias and some colleagues are exploring other ways besides computer simulation to improve long-range forecasts.
Using the unstructured dyadic interaction paradigm, Ickes and his colleagues have explored the influences of many personal characteristics and personality traits on the interactions between strangers.
The computer-generated patterns and saturated colors that Ms. Kubota and her colleagues first explored are by now a staple of MTV.