Credit Analysis Team: sets and approves collateral requirements for new and existing counterparties.
Speculators who had borrowed heavily to bet on the rising market and were forced to liquidate to meet collateral requirements were hurt most.
It's opened its doors and lowered its collateral requirements.
Since the recent stock market plunge, that collateral requirement has been raised to $6,000.
Therefore, in addition to interest rates, collateral requirements should also be taken into consideration in determining the demand and supply of loans.
Since then, the group has reduced its credit line enough to lower that collateral requirement to $38 million.
Tougher collateral requirements and an insurance fund would certainly make Farm Credit System loans less attractive to borrowers.
The ECB has been discussing easing its collateral requirement and the final rules are still not clear, with a further meeting expected on January 26.
The cumulating evidence indicates commercial bank loan rates and collateral requirements are firming in the context of an unchanged Federal funds rate.
Caution on Results Stiffer terms might be anything from lower credit limits and wider margins to higher collateral requirements.