Given the close economic links between the two countries, the collapse quickly affected Canada.
The airline's collapse affects the jobs of 875 pilots, 1,500 crew members and 7,250 ground staff.
The collapse of the stock market boom, however, also affected many people well below that level.
The collapse of the dot-com industry has also affected Harlem.
His collapse does not affect my sympathy with the movement, sir.
I asked him how the collapse of Communism had affected Vienna's political role in the world.
The collapse of oil prices in the 1980s considerably affected the Algerian state's ability to continue funding the project.
The collapse of the banks also affected the lives of people who were just trying to make a living.
For others, Enron's collapse affected solidly middle-class lives in smaller ways.
The collapse of the distribution company affected other Christian artists and smaller gospel labels.