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Although Channel made little for the ITV network they did contribute to a number of roadshow and anthology series which were collaboratively produced in a number of the smaller TV regions.
UniLang's resources, similar to Wikipedia, have been produced collaboratively by volunteers around the world and can be edited by any member with access to the Internet.
In the basement there's a scary, black-light-illuminated installation collaboratively produced by Kate Dodd, Andrea Reynosa, Kevin Vertrees and David Baskin (Johnson).
These paintings are produced collaboratively, and therefore mostly anonymously.
Such a table is collaboratively produced to support a specific function or class of functions involving location-based service, active-safety or advanced driver assistance.
The photographs and videos, all of high commercial quality, were produced collaboratively by two white Westerner photographers: Carol Beckwith, an American, and Angela Fisher, an Australian.
Allora & Calzadilla have collaboratively produced an expansive interdisciplinary body of work including sculpture, photography, performance, sound and video.
In 2013 Homefront IPA was collaboratively produced by nine breweries from all over the country, including Center of the Universe Brewing.
The band often rehearsed late into the night; the indie project mixed Western rock and Balinese gamelan and was produced collaboratively.
The Plan, collaboratively produced by consensus agreement of a broad community of stakeholders, recommends over 200 actions to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary.