The phone and operating system were developed collaboratively by engineers from both companies.
"If the chancellor had any respect for the experience of our members, this process would have been developed collaboratively."
It is developed collaboratively by researchers throughout the world.
When news stories are developed collaboratively by multiple journalists, however, secrecy is more likely to be lost and the story jeopardized.
They generally used texts written by others, but developed then collaboratively as a basis for structured improvisation.
The performances are coordinated through a public process that has been developed collaboratively by the performers, city administrators, private organizations and business groups.
With her students she has directed fifteen shows, most of them developed collaboratively with the ensemble.
Night Zero is a photo novel (or fumetti) that is collaboratively developed among a team of artists.
The purpose was to collaboratively develop color management support in the AFP architecture.
They share this experience-based knowledge with the group via project diaries or blogs, before collaboratively developing it onwards.