It uses collaborative strategies to address social and organizational problems in areas ranging from human rights and international development to conflict resolution and international relations.
This business model follows the earlier collaborative strategy implemented by Intel and Microsoft.
It facilitates collaborative knowledge-building strategies, textual and graphical representation of ideas, and reorganization of knowledge artifacts.
Adopting the ministerial joint statement, including the priorities for the next four years and collaborative strategies for education and Human Resources Development(HRD).
Kenneth Bruffee sees collaborative pedagogical strategies as natural to the learning process, more than individual thinking and learning.
How are their counter-rational, collaborative and interdisciplinary strategies, dating back nearly 100 years now, still so resonant in contemporary art today?
According to Lowry et al., there are five collaborative writing strategies:
This advantage continued throughout the 1980s and emerged during a period (circa 1962 to 1977) in which the savings banks' collaborative strategies evolved to reduce their competitive disadvantage relative to private commercial (i.e. full-service) banks.
EPA and CDC/ATSDR are working together to develop collaborative strategies that assist communities coping with health problems that may be related to environmental exposures.
Linked services involve collaborative strategies, in which partners can share a vision, establish goals, and use resources to implement and deliver the services.