In their recently published report Lessons from the Front 2009 they call for a greater focus on investment in CPD including "explorative and collaborative opportunities".
It provides a global forum for practitioners and academics to acquire interdisciplinary knowledge while engaging in collaborative opportunities that facilitate their professional and business development objectives.
Virtual worlds such as Second Life are used for the immersive, collaborative and task-based, game-like opportunities they offer language learners.
Empowering individuals to grow as a global force for learning by disseminating information and promoting international partnerships between American community colleges and countries seeking collaborative opportunities.
The collaborative opportunities with different companies were also exposed.
However, virtual worlds look set to increase overall, building on social and collaborative opportunities.
The collaborative opportunities and dual knowledge shared can have excellent commercial value further down the line.
Strategic initiatives: Takatof seeks collaborative opportunities with other social organizations, so as to involve volunteers in meeting important local needs.
"It approaches this goal by providing a forum for scientists, policy analysts, and policy-makers through whom they can share information and explore collaborative opportunities".
The 49ers are exploring collaborative opportunities with the Environmental Protection Agency to explore environmentally friendly components including: