If you have gone through colic with an older child, you may decide to call the doctor only if you think your colicky infant is sick.
In a 2010 study conducted with the same probiotic strain, similar benefits were seen in colicky infants.
Overall, there was a 95% positive response to the Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic drops in colicky infants.
Parents share secrets and strategies with each other about how to deal with fussy eaters, colicky infants, and tantrum throwers.
Baby Gary had been a colicky infant with an impressive lung capacity.
Hannah had started out as a colicky infant who screamed for hours.
At another point, Eva wheels her colicky infant to a construction site so the sound of jackhammers can drown out his cries.
In a second study of 40 colicky infants, use of the device was shown to greatly relieve maternal anxiety and stress.
The noninvasive remedies, some of which occasionally help quiet a colicky infant, include rocking, walking, backrubs, pacifiers, music and wrapping the baby snugly.
But first, in "Black and Silver," a husband and wife are kept awake all night by the shrieking of their colicky infant.