He coldly ignored the sobbing of eliminated kiddy act InTENsity.
He coldly ignored it, went on with his business.
Topiltzin coldly ignored the terrified American, the pitiful fright in his eyes, and stepped to the side of the altar.
"I'll have wine," Palin repeated, coldly ignoring his brothers' elbow-nudging and foot-kicking.
In the final scene, Einar affectionately talks with one of his cats - who throughout the whole story he coldly ignored.
She let the words slip out with icy frigidity, and coldly ignored the end part of his sentence.
He tried to speak, but Raistlin coldly ignored him and finally the big man fell silent, seeing his brother lost in his magic.
But when Stefanie, as happened just as often, coldly ignored his gaze, he was crushed and ready to destroy himself and the whole world.
Today she coldly ignored me.
Avon comes downstairs to talk to another pair of soldiers but coldly ignores Gerard and Sapper.